Social finance and technology

Showing: 1 - 9 of 13 RESULTS

Guide to investing in day trading

Understanding the fundamentals of day trading is essential for anyone looking to invest in this fast-paced market. Day trading involves buying and selling financial instruments on the same trading day, with the aim of profiting from…

Ways to make money online

The power of making money online is a truly transformative force. With the advent of technology and the Internet, individuals have had unprecedented opportunities to leverage their skills and turn them into profitable ventures. Whether through…

Apps to earn money

In today's digital age, money-making apps have emerged as a popular way for individuals to earn some extra money. With the growing popularity of smartphones and the emergence of app-based platforms, these apps have created new …

How to start in Digital Marketing

The Basics of Digital Marketing When it comes to getting started in Digital Marketing, understanding the basics is crucial. One of the fundamental principles to understand is the importance of defining your target audience. Before launching any marketing campaign…


Professions in high demand that offer good salaries

With the advancement of technology and the changing needs of society, new professions are emerging, while others are losing relevance. Check out some professions that are on the rise in the market: Software developer With the boom in technology and the…


Valuable tips to become an outstanding leader

In today's competitive professional world, developing leadership skills is essential to standing out and achieving success. Being an effective leader is not just about occupying a position of authority, but about inspiring and positively influencing others…


The best reads for budding entrepreneurs

If you are a beginning entrepreneur looking for inspiration and knowledge, reading can be your best ally. There are several books that can help you develop skills, gain valuable insights, and find new approaches to business success. …


Job market trends for the future

Have you ever wondered what the job market will be like in the future? What will be the most demanded professions, the most valued skills and the challenges most faced by workers? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is essential…